Rüdiger Schmolke
EN Rüdiger Schmolke, MA Pol, MPH, systemic change manager. A dedicated raver in the early 1990s, he works in the drug field since 1997, when he joined the Berlin based eclipse project, co-organising large festival psycare interventions, and later the Potsdam based organisation Chill out. He also worked for the Centre of Interdisciplinary Drug Research…
Rüdiger Schmolke, MA Pol, MPH, systemic change manager. A dedicated raver in the early 1990s, he works in the drug field since 1997, when he joined the Berlin based eclipse project, co-organising large festival psycare interventions, and later the Potsdam based organisation Chill out. He also worked for the Centre of Interdisciplinary Drug Research at Hamburg University, and is specialized in drug trends, risk competence, and health promotion. Since 2018, he coordinates the Berlin safer nightlife project SONAR.
Rüdiger Schmolke, MA Politikwissenschaft, Master of Public Health und Systemischer Organisationsentwickler und -berater. Bereits in den frühen 1990er Jahren als Raver interessiert an Drogenarbeit, stieß er 1997 zum Berliner eclipse e.V. – Verein für akzeptierende Drogenarbeit und psychedelische Krisenintervention und gestaltete seitdem PsyCare-Angebote auf kleineren und größeren Festivals mit. Ab 2007 leitete er den Chill out e.V. in Potsdam, zuvor arbeitete er unter anderem am Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Suchtforschung der Uni Hamburg. Seine Spezialgebiete sind Drogentrends, Risiko- und Konsumkompetenz und Gesundheitsförderung. Seit 2018 koordiniert er SONAR – Safer Nightlife Berlin.