Nina Lehrmann

Auszubildende - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik

Nina Lehrmann, a native of Berlin, is 24 years old and successfully completed her training as an event manager at Wintergarten Varieté Berlin in mid-2020. During her training period, she passed through all departments at the Varieté; from marketing to the catering area to the technical trades such as sound, lighting and stage technology. While…

Nina Lehrmann, a native of Berlin, is 24 years old and successfully completed her training as an event manager at Wintergarten Varieté Berlin in mid-2020. During her training period, she passed through all departments at the Varieté; from marketing to the catering area to the technical trades such as sound, lighting and stage technology. While she gained experience in all areas, in the end she was most fascinated by the lighting technology. Now she is doing her 2nd apprenticeship at Wintergarten Varieté to become a “Specialist for Event Technology” and attends the Private Vocational School for Media Technology.