Dr. Christoph Soukup
Dr. Christoph Soukup, native of Austria, is a Business Economist by training and a proven change management expert by passion. Over the course of his career he has become a sustainability change agent by conviction. He brings more than 2 decades of experience from international manufacturing to the table, most of which in management responsibility. After leaving the corporate world he has started his own business. Today, as the director of the Steinbeis Consulting Center Circular Economy (https://www.steinbeis.de/su/2352) he facilitates enterprises on how to substantially improve their sustainability without losing sight of profitability. Next to heading the Steinbeis Consulting Center Circular Economy he founded the think & do-tank materialkreislauf. (https://www.materialkreislauf.studio). There, they focus on circularity as a broader vision and aim at making the ideas around closed loops accessible for a wider audience. Most recently in the context of future.positive – the (digital) festival of the circular economy in autumn 2020 (https://future-positive.rocks) Christoph hosts the (mostly German-speaking) podcast #MüllistMist (https://www.muellistmist.org) where he meets the makers of the circular solutions of tomorrow already today.